The more often these women
Fung TT, et al. Sweetened beverage
Dr. Sopler's facts and stats on ways to keep you healthy
The more often these women
Fung TT, et al. Sweetened beverage
The participants were divided into three categories. One group, 50% of the participants got 6 hours or more of sleep per night. Another group got approximately 5-6 hours of sleep and the third group slept for 5 hours or less per night.
The study referred to here investigated the effect of salt reduction on vascular function by measuring artery flow-mediated vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) (Dickinson KM, et al, 2009).
The researchers
The results showed that the systolic blood pressure went down on the low-salt diet. What also improved was the endothelium-dependent vasodilation and it was
The study reviewed here investigated the relations of red, white and processed meat intake to the risk for total and cause specific mortality (Sinha R, et al, 2009). This was a large study including half a million people aged 50-71 years with a follow up of 10 years. Multiple factors were calculated for, you can click on the reference below for specifics.
Main out
The researchers
White meat from chicken, turkey and fish are better choices unless you are a vegetarian.